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Variable Dent Reeds for the Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom

Variable Dent Reeds for the Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom


Have fun with different sizes of yarn in the same project!

The 10" variable dent reed comes with the frame and a total of 8 sections: 2 each of 5 dent, 8 dent, 10 dent, and 12 dent sections. This variable reed can hold 4 sections at one time, with each section 2-3/8" wide.

The 15" variable dent reed comes with the frame and a total of 14 sections: (4) of the 5 dent, (4) of the 8 dent, (3) of the 10 dent, and (3) of the 12 dent sections. This variable reed can hold 6 sections at one time, with each section 2-3/8" wide.

Individual variable dent sections are also available for purchase. Each section is 2-3/8" wide.

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