Heddles - Texsolv
Texsolv heddles are available in a variety of sizes. All sizes are a bundle of 100, except the 392 mm/Megado heddles, those come in a bundle of 50. We keep the pictured heddles in stock and can special order other sizes:
From the left
Red tie (not pictured) - 150 mm/ 5 15/16" - fits Erica table loom and Woolgathers Dutchmaster table loom.
Black tie - 205 mm/ 8 1/8" - 1/2" - fits Louet Jane table loom and Magic Dobby, Glimakra table loom, AVL workshop dobby
Brown tie - 237mm/ 9 5/16" - 1/2" - fits Schacht looms, Gilmore, Glimakra belt loom, Dorothy, and Voyager table looms, Julia floor loom..
White tie - 280 mm/ 10 15/16" - fits Louet David, Oxaback, Toika and Glimakra standard and ideal
Blue tie - 318 mm/ 12 3/8" - 1/2" - fits LeClerc looms, Woollhouse
Green tie (not pictured) 330 mm/ 12 7/8" - fits Octado and Delta, Cranbrook, AVL Dobby, LeClerc Nilart (12 shaft) and Colonial,
Brown tie - 390 mm/ 15 5/16" - 1/2" - fits Louet Spring* and AVL "A" Series
Blue tie - 392 mm / 15 1/2" - fits Louet Spring* & Megado. 392 come in bundles of 50 not 100.
* The 392 mm is just slightly longer than the 390. The 392mm heddles were made especially for Louet for the Megado. Louet switched a few years ago (2018?) to using the 392 for the Spring loom. So, if your loom was built prior to 2018 it has 390 heddles, after 2018 it has 392.