Glimakra Band Loom with two treadles
Bands are fun and easy to weave, especially with a loom that is comfortable to sit at. Two treadles open the shed for you so that your hands are free to weave. You can weave on this loom as a two shaft loom with the Texsolv heddles, or set it up as an inkle loom. This loom is very portable and perfect for taking outside or for demonstrations. The band loom is fun to use and children like it too. You’ll be surprised at the speed and ease of weaving up to 5 inches wide using the two treadle band loom. Some will set up the band loom with cards for card weaving and the possibilities are enormous. The pricing on the band loom is remarkably low as well. Pull a seat up to the two treadle band loom and catch yourself smiling at the ease and fun of it all. Band looms are easy to assemble or disassemble and are light to carry about.