Project Planning Notebook
Project Planning Notebook for Rigid Heddle and Multi-Shaft Loom Projects
This notebook was designed for any weaver, using any loom! The notebook features pages to document project details and cloth specifications, and areas to attach yarn reelings and a woven swatch. It also has pages of graph paper, for general sketching, note taking and inspiration. This notebook can be used by rigid heddle weavers or multi-shaft loom weavers, and there is space for drafting (additional graph paper) if so desired.
~ space for 26 projects
~ a calculation ‘cheat sheet’ on the inside cover flap
~ general reference, glossary of terms and project dimensions at the beginning of the book
~ ability to add a volume number to the cover, for record keeping purposes
~ lightweight for travel
~ cardstock cover, for preservation of records and long-term use
~ spiral bound and lays flat
~ 60 pages