ARCHIE BRENNAN : Tapestry as Modern Art
Archie Brennan, as told to Brenda Osborn
"I have been weaving tapestries for more than half a century. It is as much a part of my everyday as eating, sleeping?r dreaming. It is an utterly ordinary activity for me." One of the world? most influential tapestry weavers, renowned for bringing "pop" into the ancient art of tapestry, Archie Brennan (1931-2019) had an exceptionally long career. Beginning in the mid-1940s and continuing into the first two decades of the 21st century, he pushed the boundaries of the medium, he developed a unique approach to weaving and tapestry design, and he influenced many people with his teaching style and outsized personality. This memoir, compiled with the assistance of weaver and former Wednesday Group member Brenda Osborn, provides the opportunity to pass his insights and his creative voice to a new generation of weavers. Let his incomparable voice explain why a dedication to weaving is worthwhile.
2021, Hardcover, 332 color images, 291 pages