By weavers. For weavers.
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We have a collection of hand picked books that we know you will learn from and enjoy.
The Art of Weaving by Betty Briand
$31.49 $42.95
Woven Optical Illusions
$50.00 $60.00
Weaving MAX8
The Enigma of Shadow Weave Illuminated
$44.99 $49.99
Tapestry with Pulled Warp
Pick-Up Bandweaving Designs
Weaving Patterned Bands
The Art of Weaving
$31.49 $34.99
Weaving with Wire: Creating Woven Metal Fabric
Weaving Outside the Box
Thread Magic
Plain Weave - 60 Patterns for Mastering the Basic Technique
Project Planning Notebook
Boulevard, Chevron, and Combination Weaves
Park Weaves
Multiple Tabby Weaves
Bateman Blend Weaves
Mary Meigs Atwater Recipe Book
Janna Weaves
Double with a Twist